Results 2023

2023 Results

Date Aphelion Venue Result Report
Sat 22nd April Southern Burghfield BuSC 2023 BuSC-2023
Sat 6th May Eastern Fishers Green FGSC 2023
Sun 7th May Southern Hawley Lake HLSC 2023
Sat 20th May Southern Eyott EySC 2023 EySC-2023
Sun 21st May Eastern Up River URYC 2023 URYC-2023
Sat 10th June Eastern Chipstead ChSC 2023
Sat 17th June Southern Silver Wing SWSC 2023 SWSC-2023
Sun 25th June Northern Cransley CrSC 2023 CrSC-2023
Sat 8th July Western Baltic Wharf BWSC 2023
Sun 16th July Eastern Shustoke ShSC 2023 ShSC-2023
Sat 5th August Southern Mudeford Cancelled
Sat 19th August Western Redditch RedSC 2023 ReSC-2023
Sun 20th August Northern Carsington CaSC 2023 CaSC-2023

Sat – Mon

26th – 28th August

National Championship Ogston Nationals 2023 National-2023
Sat 2nd September Southern Severn SeSC 2023 SeSC-2023
Sun 3rd September Western Merthyr Tydfil MTSC 2023 MTSC-2023
Sun 10th September Northern Nottingham NSC 2023 NSC-2023
Sat 16th September Eastern Crawley Mariners CMYC 2023

Sat – Sun

23rd – 24th September



Bowmoor Associations 2023 Assocs-2023
Sat 30th September Northern Redesmere ReSC 2023 RedSC-2023
Sun 1st October Western Winsford Flash WFSC 2023 WFSC-2023
Sun 8th October Southern Bristol + Avon BASC 2023
Sat 14th October Northern Staunton Harold SHSC 2023 SHSC-2023


The Opens in bold type in September and October are the final event of that Aphelion where the Aphelion trophies will be presented.

For current Aphelion results, just click the Region – Northern Aphelion 2023, Southern Aphelion 2023Western Aphelion 2023, Eastern Aphelion 2023.

These results are only for Association members.

Click here for the Orbital 2023 results.

All Travellers Events

Open meeting overall results, as determined by the host club, will be used after removal of the places for those helms who were not Comet Class Association members on the day of the event. An Open meeting will count towards the series if it is completed on the advertised date or at a later date within the year. For each Open entrants may elect to use any of the four legal rigs: Standard, Xtra, Mino, or White Xtra, but once chosen, a rig may not be changed during an event.

Your score will be the sum of your best results. The number of results to include is equal to the number of events to qualify as listed below. E.g. if five Opens are completed, then you need to complete three Opens to qualify and your score is the sum of your best three results.


To qualify for a position for an Aphelion, our regional travellers series, you require entry into the minimum number of Opens. The minimum number of Open meetings depends on the number of completed Opens as listed below.

Ties will be broken in favour of the helm with the most 1sts, 2nds, 3rds, etc. in their results used to obtain their total score. If a tie remains it will be broken by the best place nearest the end of the series.


To qualify for a position for the Orbital, our travellers series, you require entry into the minimum number of Open meetings including at least one of the National events (National or Association Championships). The minimum number of Open meetings depends on the number of completed Opens as listed below. If one of the National events is cancelled then the requirement to enter one of the National events is removed.

Ties will be broken in favour of the helm with the most 1sts, 2nds, 3rds, etc. in their results used to obtain their total score. Ties remaining after this will be broken by the better place at the National Championships or failing that by the better place at the Association Championships. If a tie remains it will be broken by the best place nearest the end of the series.

Number of Opens Completed Number of Events to Qualify
16 or more 6
15 5
14 5
13 5
12 5
11 5
10 4
9 4
8 4
7 4
6 3
5 3
4 3
3 2
2 2

If only one or no Opens are completed then the series will be cancelled.


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